Blog On Fire!

I’m so honored that One Picture A Million Words nominated my blog for the Blog on Fire Award! Thank you so much! A funny story, at least funny to me, but I thought this was spam when I first received notification! I hadn’t heard of the award…there are so many blog awards out there…and I just immediately assumed it was some spam and didn’t pay much attention to it. I get some pretty crazy spam comments so I’ve started assuming something is spam first! Terrible, huh? So imagine my surprise when I saw it was real!

I actually don’t read other blogs very often. It’s not that I don’t like to read them but quite the opposite actually. I can spend hours looking at other blogs. And then I start doubting my own blog and think about all the changes I want to make but am not sure where to start.  I know nothing about html coding, for starters, my photography needs so much work, and I need to start developing more of my own recipes. I start thinking mine doesn’t even deserve to be up there when there are so many other great blogs out there. And is anyone even reading my blog? Why would they read it if they have so many other choices! I’m sure many bloggers feel that way. It’s a tough, yet awesome, bloggerverse out there! And I’m proud to be part of it!

Thanks to all my followers for reading and supporting me! You Rock!

The rules for accepting are to list 8 things about me and nominate 8 blogs.

Me (In no particular order) 

1. I met my husband when we were both in the military.

2. In a former life I was a meteorologist.

3. I have a Master’s degree in Human Resources Management that I’ve never used.

4. I used to own a pet sitting business.

5. I have two little doggies whom I love dearly and make me smile every day.

6. My husband is my best friend. I’m thankful every day that we found each other.

7. I’m from North Dakota but never want to go back.

8. I want to move to the Pacific Northwest.

Passing the Torch: 

1. Butter Baking

2. Stir It Up

3. Strong Like My Coffee

4. Cuter Than Gluten

5. Baking Progress

6. Rock Salt

7. The Modern Home Economist

8. The Mommy Diaries


Filed under Uncategorized

11 responses to “Blog On Fire!

  1. Thank you! I am so glad you enjoy my blog.

  2. Thanks so much for nominating my blog, Tara! I’ll be sure to past it on. 😀 Ah, I want to move to the Pacific Northwest as well. It’s been a dream of mine for a looong time. I hope you get to some day!

  3. Thank you so much for nominating my blog for this award! I’ll be happy to do this and pass the torch as well. 🙂

  4. I’m flattered, thank you for recognizing my blog and congratulations on your own nomination as well! How do I nominate other blogs (aside from mentioning them in my post)?

  5. Thank you so much! Love your blog 🙂

  6. thecatandthecoffeecup

    Congratulations on your award 🙂

  7. Pingback: Fresh Salsa, On Fire Awards, and Relief from the Heat | Stir It Up!

  8. Hi, I really enjoy reading your blog and have nominated you for the “Inspiring Blog Award” There are a few rules to this nomination (these aren’t my rules, so do what you want…no pressure) you need to give a shout out to me, of course, tell us 7 things about yourself and then nominate 15 bloggers, that’s the tricky part, if you don’t have 15, don’t worry, just pass it on to someone….share the joy by following this link,….. Well done!!!

  9. Congratulations! I didn’t know that there were blog awards like these. I am a newbie blogger and it’s awesome that blogs get awards. You put your heart, time, and all to do this things, it should get the reward it deserves!

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