Granola Bars

I’ve been making granola for a couple of years now. It’s great to sprinkle on yogurt or just have as a snack. However, this was my first time making granola bars. I was browsing through an old Food & Wine Magazine and found a delicious  recipe for granola bars. However, I didn’t have everything in the ingredient list, nor did I want everything in the ingredient list. So I modified it and came out with a very addicting granola bar. It’s not perfect, in fact, they are a bit gooey, but for a first time making these, I’m in love!

Here’s a link to the original recipe, Sticky Oat and Pine Nut Bars

I like pine nuts, but they aren’t my favorite. And I love pepper, but just not in my sweets. I can’t seem to get into the pepper and sweet thing (though I love chocolate and chilis…). So I took both of those out and substituted almonds and cinnamon. Ah, that’s more like it! Oh, and instead of dipping the bars in white chocolate, I put the chocolate in the batter.

These are super easy to make, the hardest part is waiting for them to cool!

Almond & Cinnamon Granola bars

Modified slightly from Food & Wine Sticky Oat and Pine Nut Bars

  • 1 stick unsalted butter, plus more for greasing pan
  • 3/4 cup honey
  • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 cups old fashioned oats
  • 1 1/2 cups chopped almonds
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • Pinch of salt
  • 4 oz white chocolate

1. Preheat the oven to 325F. Butter an 8 inch square baking pan. Line the bottom and sides with parchment paper.

2. In a large saucepan, melt the butter with the honey and sugar and cook over moderate heat, stirring constantly until an amber caramel forms, about 5 minutes.

Stir in the oats, almonds, cinnamon, and salt and cook, stirring constantly, about 2 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in the white chocolate. It will melt. Scrape the mixture into the prepared pan and smooth the surface.

Bake for about 20 minutes, or until bubbling and brown on the edges.

It will smell absolutely intoxicating at this point, but you must resist the urge to remove the bars from the pan! They need to cool completely in order to have any hope of staying together. Mine were gooey, so I probably should have let them cool longer, but it was just about impossible! They smelled  so yummy! After they are cooled, lift parchment from pan and move bars to cutting board. Cut into whatever size you desire. I did pretty small squares since they are sweet.

I found these to be a great pre-running snack, but I think they’d be great just about anywhere. Just wrap a bar in parchment and away you go!


Filed under granola

63 responses to “Granola Bars

  1. Oh man, the girl is going to love these! She was just saying this morning that she is tired of plain old oatmeal, and how she would love to take something healthy/yummy on the road with her 🙂 I will report back with feedback tomorrow (Hopefully)

  2. jmichelle

    Saw your blog on the WordPress Homepage — wow, these look delicious. But I am disheartened by the high butter to oats ratio. I like the idea of a granola bar as a somewhat healthy snack and this much butter just doe snot make the grade. Any ideas for making this tasty treat without all the butter?

    • Agreed on the butter to oats ratio. I actually had planned on adding more oats for my next batch to make them a little less gooey. I love gooey but if I want to eat these all the time I need to be realistic 🙂 I’ll report back when I do make another batch. In the meantime, I cut them into small, manageable pieces.

  3. These look amazing! I’m wondering if, under any circumstances, it could be construed healthy for me to live on a sole diet of granola bars (y’know, what with the oats and all…) Answers on a postcard…

  4. Um. WOW! Looks amazing…

    Thank you for sharing this recipe. I’m game!

  5. wow…sure looks better than the quaker ones!

  6. omg looks great. im taking this recipe from you! haha. thanks and good post

  7. One of the best and healthiest bars you could ever eat. Better than the typical chocolate bars.

  8. humanitarikim

    They look great! I smell a weekend project! Thanks!

  9. I am stuck at the house this weekend. I know what I am going to do.

  10. Great looking recipe! And requires a lot less ingredients than what I envisioned going into Granola bars! Thanks for the inspiration…. ;o)

  11. J Roycroft

    Nothing better than home made granola bars. Congrats on FP

  12. memercer

    These look great! I’m always looking for a nice snack before going for a run!

  13. Aub

    Yep. I am definitely going to make these right now. They look super delicious.

  14. sarahmarie

    looks so yummy! Great job!

  15. I´ll try it with my friend someday, thanks, it looked very delicious. 😀
    Please look to my blog: and my mail is:

  16. katia.

    Yes, I like granola . I prefere with milk. Is a very good.
    Thank you.

  17. I looooove granola and granola bars, but have never made either! Thanks for the inspiration–these look fabulous, gooey-ness and all. =)

  18. molly greaves

    Great website! This looks so yummy. I’m going to bookmark your page.

  19. These look so yummy. I can’t wait to give them a try. Although I think I would try adding some raises to mine.

  20. OK, I am totally drooling right now at the thought of how yummy these bars must be. Thanks for the post (I’m sure my husband will thank you too)!

  21. All County Insurance - Brea, California

    I don’t think I should have clicked on the link to this blog.. I’m sooo hungry now! I’m definitely going to have to try these out and I’ll have to go with your recipe rather than the original w/ pine nuts and pepper? Will try these out before running too! Also those cookies on the top look ridiculously good! Congrats on the FP!

  22. Yum! That looks great! Thanks for posting the recipe!

  23. dejavurun

    The photo of the melting butter made me drool. All of it looks wonderful!

  24. These look *awesome!* I am such a fan of granola and granola bars. I would take them over cream studded, chocolate infused, caramel laden cookies any day. And that’s saying a lot. 😉

    I can’t wait to try this. Thanks for sharing such a delightful recipe! 😀

  25. I am soooo not a cook so when I see other people’s recipes and efforts at cooking I’m a little jealous & oh, so impressed! Very nice!

  26. These look divine! I am on the verge of renouncing veganism and running away with your scrumptious treats.

  27. These look really yummy. I am going to try them.
    It’s a little high on the sweet scale for me, but for a dessert cookie with hot tea might just work!
    I also make my own granola. Hate to pay the high prices for something so simple to make and cheap!
    Thanks for posting this and here’s one back at ya…

    In The Morning My House Looks Like The Bar Scene From Star Wars. (Recipe For Breakfast Bars)

  28. Anything with that much butter has to taste amazing.
    Congratulations on being FP!

  29. mizunogirl

    that looks lovely. I’ve been considering running an ultramarathon, and if I do, I think I can swing the butter to oats ratio for a few long runs….saved that recipe. thanks!

  30. Pingback: Granola Bars (via Let’s Talk Cookies) « number1petspot

  31. Ooooh, this sounds wonderful. Any recipes I’ve ever seen for granola bars sounded so complicated and had odd ingredients. This is more my style! hopefully I’ll get to try it out soon! Thanks!

  32. I immediately subscribed to your blog because it is about my favorite thing in the world — Cookies! Can’t wait to start browsing it for recipes. I’ve made granola bars one time and loved them. I will have to try this recipe out now. My son loves granola bars, too, so I should just start making them on a regular basis. Thanks for sharing your recipes!

  33. stocktoc

    The picture brought me in, and the simple recipe won me over. I’m going to try these. Thanks!

  34. Lion

    This looks delicious! I’ve always wondered about making homemade granola bars and this definitely gives me some answers to what I had in mind. What caught my attention as well is your usage of the unsalted butter for this as well. Butter seriously holds ten times as much flavor as margarine (also healthier too).

    • I always use unsalted butter – I like to be in control of how much sodium goes into my body! Also always use butter. Real ingredients, not chemicals! I just eat less of it. So worth it! Let me know how it goes!

  35. Mmmm, Your making me hungry by just looking at these pictures and I just had so much Baked Ziti. I definitely don’t blame you for taking them out early, I probably would have been eating them along the way and there wouldn’t have even been any at the end. Great read by the way, I think I’ll try your recipe out!

  36. Pingback: Granola Bars (via Let’s Talk Cookies) « Existentialism

  37. Oh wow, these look delicious! I’m going to try to make them, then I’ll report back! Thanks for sharing this recipe! PS. We call granola “muesli” here in Australia, so I always have to think for a second when I read “granola”!

  38. Jan

    I am sure they are very nice to eatttt……!!

  39. Roda

    Went over and checked out the pine nut recipe and think yours is what I would go with too. Just a question …wouldn’t a few walnuts and raisins meld with this recipe ?

  40. I come from China, I am very curious about these exotic food .

  41. I think after viewing this post I wont buy supermarket granolas, this looks really good!


  42. Pingback: Granola Bars (via Let’s Talk Cookies) « Rabo de gato

  43. Wow, you actually make them seem yum! I want one now. 😀

  44. Man do these look good! Have you tried adding flax seed or dried fruit? I am going to make these today!

  45. Pingback: Granola Bars « Coreys Views

  46. ooo – i’ve been on an oatmeal cookie kick lately – but i’ll have to try these soon – :o)

  47. thehieron

    This is one great technique! Thanks!

  48. This recipe looks absolutely delicious! I want to try to make them at home. 🙂

  49. CountryWomansLife

    That looks really good! I think it was a good call to leave the pepper out . . the nuts I could go either way LOL Thanks for sharing! I am going to save the recipee for later!

  50. Those sound SO GOOD!!!! I can’t wait to try them! 😀


  51. Yummy! I am definitely going to try this recipe! I love granola bars and they are so much better homemade. Great post!

  52. Joseph

    Great recipe! I modified it a bit, using dark chocolate instead of white (and a little less than 4 oz.). I also added some dried cherries. This is a keeper!

  53. Great looking recipe! And requires a lot less ingredients than what I envisioned going into Granola bars! Thanks for the inspiration…. ;o)

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