Christmas in July: Gingerbread Ice Cream Sandwiches

I know it isn’t quite July, but close enough. I assume you have planned out your 4th of July menu? No? Well, dessert is now decided. It’s easy, delicious, and a bit surprising: gingerbread ice cream sandwiches.

Gingerbread need not be reserved for just Christmas.  But no one really wants a rich, spicy cake when it is 100 degrees out. Gingerbread just seems way too heavy all by its lonesome. But freeze it and add some ice cream? Well, that is a whole different ball game.

This treat is fast and easy to make. You do have to turn your oven on, but only for 30 minutes, tops, including preheating.  It doesn’t have to be perfect (I think it looks better if it is not), can be cut to any size you want, and you can even use whatever ice cream you want. Although I think vanilla is best, but that’s just me.

Thanks to Gourmet Live Blog for suggesting this in the first place. Apparently June 5th is “National Gingerbread Day.” Yes, that does make perfect sense. I just don’t know why.

This recipe is also a one bowl wonder. One more reason to love it, right?

P.S. Did you notice I have a Facebook page now? Yes, I know, way to join the 21st Century. Just click “Like” over there on the right and join in the fun!

One year ago: Blackberry Buttermilk Cake

Gingerbread Ice Cream Sandwiches

From Gourmet Live

Yield: One half sheet pan of cake; sandwiches will depend on how you make them

Difficulty: Easy

Time: 10 minutes to make batter; 15 minutes to bake; 10 minutes to spread ice cream and cut into sandwiches


  • 1/2 cup butter, melted
  • 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup molasses (not blackstrap)
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 1/2 tsp ground ginger
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 cups AP flour
  • 2/3 cup boiling water
  • 1 1/2 qt ice cream (vanilla is my preference)


1. Preheat oven to 350F. Butter a half sheet pan (cookie sheet) and then line with parchment.

2. In a large bowl, mix together the butter, brown sugar, molasses, and egg. Then add the ginger, baking soda, salt, cinnamon and flour. Mix until combined. It will be a bit thick at this point. Add your boiling water and stir. It will thin to a nice cake batter.

3. Spread on your sheet pan. Try to make it even, but not a huge deal if it isn’t perfect. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Let cool completely. To speed things up, put it in the freezer.

4. Let your ice cream soften at room temperature. It will be easier to spread when it is soft.

5. Cut the entire sheet in half crosswise, basically into two squares. One will be your top, one will be your bottom. Spread the ice cream on one side. Top with the other. Freeze until ice cream is set again. Cut into desired sizes and shapes. Yes, a cookie cutter would be just fine here. You’ll just have to eat the scraps though. So terrible, huh?

6. Freeze until ready to eat. You can wrap them in parchment and freeze or just use a freezer bag. They keep quite nicely.



Filed under cake, frozen treat

153 responses to “Christmas in July: Gingerbread Ice Cream Sandwiches

  1. Yum, I am pinning this now!

  2. What a splendid recipe, thanks so much for sharing

  3. Thanks for the recipe! I gotta try making it sometime.

  4. My kids and I are SO making these…and we’ll be listening to the Pandora Christmas music station and wearing Santa hats while we’re doing it!

    Because that’s how we roll… 😉

  5. Love! I was just thinking of making ice cream sandwiches today!

  6. Carlie Chew

    Looks delicious!

  7. it may be odd, but a lot of people back home celebrate Christmas for a second time in July… so that we too can have a winter Christmas. I just realised how weird that must be to the rest of the world..

  8. hookedontaste

    Those ice cream bars look fabulous.

  9. Very cool! I love one bowl wonders…. They make life easy!

  10. Great idea. I love gingerbread! The best I had was at the Brown Hotel in Denver. It was served warm with an orange marmalade-type sauce. Wow, was it good — but this sounds fantastic, too. Hmm, I wonder how a little marmalade would be between the ice cream and the gingerbread?

  11. absolutelycheryl

    I can’t wait to try this out. Look so yummy!!

  12. ICE CREAM + ANYTHING are the BEST recipes in the WORLD! =D

  13. This looks delicious! I always miss Christmas in the summertime!

  14. These sound delicious.
    I recently made homemade oreo ice cream (no machine required!) and I’m wondering how that would taste as the filling…

  15. Yummy! Sweet sandwiches are fab!

  16. simplesustenance

    Christmas in July! What a great idea! Love gingerbread and ice cream in between sounds divine.

  17. I’ve done this with eggnog flavored ice cream. I think I witnessed the face of God when I ate some.

  18. ConfusedDi

    Look soo yummy! Thanks for sharing !

  19. Ginger is great in hot weather but most people stick to it in winter. When I’m really thirsty I love ginger ale with orange juice. cheers

  20. that looks so yumcious, I so wanna try this..

  21. Reblogged this on c'est bon. and commented:
    mmm…. these look so good! Hello 4th of July party!

  22. Nat

    Reblogged this on nat·ter [to talk idly; chatter] and commented:
    This is, quite seriously, the best thing EVER. I just.. I can’t… Ice cream + gingerbread. It’s a marriage made in heaven. I need to make this now.

  23. Delicious! I love to bake and cook and I can’t wait to make these!

  24. Mohsin

    They look delicious!

  25. I see I won’t loose the weight this weekend…and congrats on being freshly pressed.

  26. psychospiritualfun

    This is amazing! My 2 favourite times of the year celebrated in the form of one of my favourite things.:)

  27. Now I know what I am making for the 4th of July. Thanks for the recipe!

  28. Great recipe, I can’t wait to try it. We love ice cream sandwiches in our home – I love this new take on it.

  29. Can’t wait to try this recipe. My family loves ice cream sandwiches – this looks like a really cool take on it.

  30. thecatandthecoffeecup

    Oh my goodness…two of my favorite foods Together!! Thank you for sharing! 🙂

  31. markalan

    This recipe looks fantastic! I am whipping this up first thing tomorrow! 😉

  32. A can’t miss combo. Thanks for sharing. Congratulations on being “Freshly Pressed.”

  33. Congratulations on being freshly pressed. I can only imagine how cool and delicious these ice cream sandwiches are. It’s so warm tonight that I want one NOW!

  34. Those look fantastic! Awesome stuff…

  35. I love ice cream sandwiches and these look delish!

  36. Nea

    They look delicious! I definitely have to try this sometime! Great tutorial as well!

  37. Really, really delicious!

  38. This sounds fabulous! Now if I can only find pumpkin ice cream…

  39. Love this!!! Just pinned it!!

  40. such a good idea !… i’ll try it as soon as possible !… thanks for this recipe !

  41. Looks so delectable! Will make this soon❥

  42. Joe Labriola

    Christmas in June anyone?

  43. Cle

    I will be making these in December when it is a little warmer (and Christmas time!) Yum!

  44. soyjoycandles

    Can’t wait to try it! Looks fabulous!

  45. Awesome, am a big fan of ice cream sandwiches, but we don’t really have them in the part of the world where I am from (New Zealand)! Or where I am currently living for that matter (the Netherlands!). And, I love gingerbread too, so this recipe is like, with the force of those things combined…. deliciousness. Can’t wait to try, thank you! Come check out our blog if you have time – we love food and baking too 🙂

  46. great idea, these look amazing! def will be trying this 🙂

  47. I did an early Xmas in July post too! Those look friggin’ amazing!

  48. I am a huge gingerbread fan and ginger is good for you! …..ignores all the sugar in recipe…….I am definitely making these! Thanks for sharing and congrats on being Freshly Pressed!

  49. Wow, these look good, and they are simple to make. Thanks for sharing this. connie

  50. Pingback: ‘Adults Only’ Ice Cream Truck Comes To Detroit, Ann Arbor « The Jeenyus Corner

  51. Looks delicious, a perfect mix of foods I love. Thanks for sharing, it’s now on my to-do list!

  52. I want to put those in my pockets and on my face. It’s hot in new York!

  53. I will talk cookies anytime, anywhere. I have been known to bake cookies on a really hot day with the air conditioning broken, in my toaster oven only, of course. I have two low sugar cookie recipes on if you are interested.

  54. What a splendid way to use the humble gingerbread; love the cold with the spicy. A perfect, and unusual, summer treat. Such pretty images too. Congratulations on being Freshly Pressed: Enjoy the adulation!

  55. Looks great! I love gingerbread anytime of year. Thanks for sharing!

  56. I used to buy gingerbread men ice cream sandwiches at the store, but haven’t seen them for years. I am so gonna make these this weekend, thanks for sharing.

  57. Reblogged this on @Valleyreagent and commented:
    LOVE this post 🙂 Both of these items are delicious.. it only makes sense to combine them, genius!

  58. Those look so yummy, I love gingerbread, and love how you made it into an ice cream sandwich!

  59. Reblogged this on pretty young thing. and commented:
    foooooooooooooooooooooooood. 😀

  60. These look delicious!

  61. Oh Good Gods where the hell have you been all my life!?!?!? If there’s moe where this came from, male female or transgender, youthful or elderly, will you please just marry me now and cook and bake for me for the rest of our lives together? I’ll even do the dishes! (If you keep the number of dishes per day to a reasonable quantity and level of crustiness)…. Please share more!

  62. scribbleofhappygoluckygal

    this looks really yummy..;)

  63. Reblogged this on The Novels of Amanda M. Holt and commented:
    This is soooooo unrelated to my hobby, but I just had to reblog. Looks delicious!

  64. Delicious cake recipe, very nicely presented and photographed!

  65. Congrats on being freshly pressed

  66. Great idea! I’m gonna Post this on my site (will link to you!).

  67. soupernaturel

    Looks really good!

  68. Pingback: Happy hot July! « Made For Real

  69. mmmm… these look lovely 😀

  70. Andrew Thompson

    Thank you. As a gingerbread junkie, Christmas In July found it’s way into my heart!

  71. Yum! Love this idea!

  72. I never made icecream sandwiches, will try this one for sure!
    Come and visit my blog

  73. This looks amazing! Love the idea 🙂

  74. Aoife

    Love love love. It looks so perfect in the photos.. I’ll have to give it a shot when I get a kitchen.

  75. I’m heading to my kitchen to whip up this recipe now!

  76. Reblogged this on Sweet, Salty 'N Sour and commented:
    Yum! Everyone will be eating these this summer! 🙂

  77. mahalieelovee

    Reblogged this on DailyEm.

  78. That Looks So Good , I will see you on Pinterest

  79. I hate gingerbread, but love ice cream. The two united may be the thing that changes my mind about the bread.

  80. Wish I did this today; it would’ve been an even sweeter Canada Day!

    “Difficulty: Easy” ….Sigh, that makes me very happy 🙂

  81. Oh yea! Glad I found this recipe!

  82. aroomofheroine

    Oh my goodness, this looks so delicious!

  83. Was wondering what the white filling was…when we saw that it was ice cream, we just melted. WOW. We so need to make this dish. Thanks for sharing.

  84. Jasmine Lurvespurplelikeaboss

    Yummy! I’m sure to try it soon~! ❤ Love your blog! Could you please visit mine too? 🙂

  85. Thank you for this delicious recipe
    ! 🙂

  86. Omg, these look crazy awesome! I want to each gingerbread all year long

  87. j9o9o9

    Looks good…

  88. mmm what a great idea! love it!

  89. Littleskew

    I will DEFO be making these, for no other reason then the fact that I love a bit of ginger, I adore Icecream and who doesn’t love a sandwich!?!

  90. I am buying the ingredients tonight making them!! They look divine!! thanks for sharing..

  91. Saw your post on freshly pressed, picture of gingerbread sandwiches looked so good that had to click on your page! Excited to follow your blog now!

  92. YUM!! I need to make these soon!

  93. Yummy – lemon ice cream sounds good, too!

  94. This looks absolutely delicious. It’s on our holiday menu.
    Michelle Bradford

  95. I need these in my life. Immediately! 🙂

  96. This looks SO good! You’re getting me in the holiday spirit already!

  97. These look fantastic! A great idea.

  98. could you make the gingerbread in 2 8×8 or 9×9 pans to avoid having to slice the cake in half?

  99. OH MY GOODNESS thi sounds delicious!

  100. I really love this idea! Who says gingerbread is only for Christmas anyway? 😉

  101. Anne Bonney

    Anything molasses rocks. Thanks for the recipe and the terrific blog.

  102. It’s winter here in Oz – great recipe for our Christmas in December though – will definately be trying it then – thanks for the recipe – Pam

  103. This looks soooo incredible!! I am swooning.

  104. hostinsight

    Oh my goodness! Those look fantastic!

  105. Looks delicious 🙂

  106. I’ll bet those are yummy in winter times too! Try having pistachio ice cream next time…. gotta love the greens.

  107. Wow – these look fabulous!!! Can’t wait to try them – and congrats on being Freshly Pressed!

  108. YUM!!! Can’t wait to try these! 🙂

  109. So cute!
    I recently tried some Christmas goodness in the summer. I made my first ever yule log, and it was a FABULOUS summer treat. We made homemade whipped cream and froze the whole log. Then, when we served it, the whipped cream had an ice creamy consistency that was a perfect frozen treat!

    Yay winter treats! Of course, after that, I simply MUST try the gingerbread icecream sandwiches. I’m already feeling the spirit of the Season….lol!

  110. I LOVE this idea! Never having made ginger bread before, I imagine it would be fun to try out this recipe–especially since it’s so simple!

  111. I’m not a baker AT ALL but I’m thinking I have to try this out…

  112. My cooking club, The Fearless Cooking Club, is having an “ice cream social” tomorrow in celebrating the 4th of July. Several of our members don’t have ice cream processors, so I forwarded your blog recipe to a member and she is making it for out get together tomorrow. I am excited to see how it turns out. We also are all about gingerbread. For years in December my children (now grown) made miniature houses. Thanks for Christmas in July!

  113. Pingback: Treat roundup… | The Ducking Fabulous Diary

  114. Tina Wina

    I sure wish I wasn’t on a diet….

  115. Thank you for this recipe idea! I made some yesterday and they are great! I can’t wait to experiment with different types of ice cream.

  116. I love gingerbread! Those look great 🙂

  117. Oh, yum. I make ginger cookies every Christmas and gingerbread in the autumn but it never occurred to me that it could be a summer treat as well!

  118. I’ve been craving some gingerbread lately. Maybe I won’t wait until November now…

  119. raina

    looks delightful…

  120. Can’t wait to try this, it looks HOT!!!

  121. amazing! I love gingerbread at anytime of the year

  122. These look SO good! I can’t wait to give them a try next weekend! Thanks for the great post. Looking forward to the next!

  123. Cool, recipe… I also tried it with cinnamon and blueberries, and it tasted good.

  124. Pingback: The Ice Cream Social | The Fearless Cooking Club

  125. My cooking club had an ice cream social
    and one of our members made your recipe. It was so much fun. Your pictures are great.

  126. One of my favorite combinations! At Christmas time I buy several packages of gingerbread graham crackers to make ice cream sandwiches later on. Somehow I never thought of doing it like this!

  127. HOLY DELICIOUSNESS! i love everything about these & am making them as soon as possible…thank you!

  128. chloé

    Delicious! This is on my to do list

  129. I can’t wait to try this…my family will love them!

  130. Crista

    these look delicious!

  131. Pingback: Treat roundup… | The Ducking Fabulous Diary

  132. Pingback: Christmas in July: Gingerbread Ice Cream Sandwiches | MothersHeart

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